
World Religions 7: The History & Mysteries of Buddhism

World Religions 7: The History & Mysteries of Buddhism

Buddhism is a spin-off of Hinduism. This next article in the series covering World Religions is on Buddhism. It’s considered the 4th largest religion mostly practiced in China, Taiwan, Japan, and Southeast Asia. It’s another form of Paganism and it’s amazing how Satan’s influence in all pagan religions is reflected in their rituals. Hinduism Vs […]

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Druze children and teens murdered by Hezbollah on July 27, 2024.

Who are the Druze People that the Hezbollah Terrorists Attacked?

Though the Druze people group isn’t a major world religion, I felt they needed a blog post because they unfortunately are in Breaking News headlines. Who are they? What do they believe? Where did the Druze religion start? Are they Israeli? Let’s dig in… On July 27, 2024, a Hezbollah rocket from somewhere in Lebanon

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World Religions: Revealing The Shocking Roots of Shamanism, Voodoo, & Animism

World Religions: Revealing The Shocking Roots of Shamanism, Voodoo, & Animism

We’ve all seen it in the movies — Africans, African Americans, and Indigenous Peoples in painted masks and feather headdress, chanting and dancing around a fire to drums. Why do they dance around in a circle? Why do they chant the same thing over and over again? Where did these pagan practices like Voodoo and

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World Religions: Chilling, Satanic Practices of Druids, Wicca, & the Occult

World Religions: Chilling, Satanic Practices of Druids, Wicca, & the Occult

Have you ever dabbled in the Occult? Come on, be honest. I am a child of the 60s and 70s America. I also believe that the Catholic Church actually enabled me to easily delve into the occult. Face it. Obviously, the occult is mysterious, other-worldly, and who doesn’t want to know the future? As a

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World Religions: A Remarkable Look into the Growth of Paganism & Demon Worship

World Religions: A Remarkable Look into the Growth of Paganism & Demon Worship

The Dictionary defines Paganism as “a religion other than one of the main world religions, specifically a non-Christian or pre-Christian religion”. Another definition is, “a modern religious movement incorporating beliefs or practices from outside the main world religions, especially nature worship”. Interesting. Isn’t that what’s going on today? Furthermore, it is my intent, with this series of articles, to show that all of the

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flee from Satan & everything evil

Why You Absolutely Need to Flee from Satan and Everything Evil Now!

Who is Satan? He’s known as the devil and Lucifer. “Satan” is actually a title, a position. When you hear something called “satanic”, it means whatever it is grounded in evil and darkness. “Lucifer” — which means “light-bringer” — was one of God’s highest angels. Learn how He fell and what he’s still up to.

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Eastern Orthodox Church

The Eastern Orthodox Religion: What are their Beliefs? Are they Saved?

The Eastern Orthodox Church, specifically the Russian one, has been elevated in the news a lot since Russia invaded Ukraine. I watched videos of Vladimir Putin worshiping in a church in Russia. My first thought was — if he is truly Christian, as his ritualistic worship indicates, how can he be so cruel as to invade a country without provocation? Seek the truth…

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Mark 12: Religious Rulers Challenge Jesus and See Him as a Threat

As I dive deeper into Jesus’ last week on earth, I can’t help but notice the similarities between the religious leaders back then and who we have now. Today’s “woke” pastors are threatened by the Gospel Truth and they refuse to preach it. They fear that people will leave their churches. People need to hear the truth as Jesus tells it. Seek the truth…

Mark 12: Religious Rulers Challenge Jesus and See Him as a Threat Read More »

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