What is Eschatology? Eschatology is the study of End Times Bible Prophecy! Unfortunately, many churches do not teach Bible Prophecy. Are they afraid? Yes, what’s going on in the world today is scary. However, God is still in control. Besides that, we have the confident hope of the Salvation of Jesus Christ, the assurance of His return for His born-again believers in the Rapture, and the fact that He will come back and have victory over Satan and evil.
What in the world is going on? We can’t help but notice that just too many weird things are happening worldwide — simultaneously — in very rapid succession. Moreover, it affects our lifestyles, livelihoods, families, careers, and ultimately, our peace of mind. Friend, these “unusual and sudden events” are signs of the last days. Furthermore, it’s all laid out in Bible Prophecy. In fact, close to 30% of the Bible is prophecy!
That’s the purpose of this Bible Study – to look at the Holy Scriptures and point out Bible Prophecies of the past, present, and future. Some have been fulfilled, some have yet to be fulfilled, and some are being fulfilled as you read this.
We’ll uncover the Gospel Truth of End Times Bible Prophecies, from the Old Testament to Jesus’ words in the Gospels, Apostles’ Letters, and the Book of Revelation.
Bible Prophecy is not meant to scare you, but to warn you, give you hope, and build your faith through studying God’s Word.
When, Where & How…
There is no set schedule. Most studies are already on this website in written form, some as audio podcasts.
These will be short 20-minute (or so) lessons, in an order that helps you make sense of the prophecy.
Some will have a new blog post, some will use existing studies.
All videos will be posted on my social media channels.
Follow me so you don’t miss out!
If you have questions or want to discuss something I’ve covered, contact me here or on one of the social networks.

Study Outline:
Click here for past study videos and to dig deeper
Coming Up…
Prophecy in the Bible – Fulfilled and Yet to Come
Old Testament Prophecies Predicting Jesus
- Ezekiel 1-3,
- 33: God Says… Turn from Your Wicked Ways Now!
- 34: A Prophecy that Jesus, the Good Shepherd, Fulfilled
- 35-36: A New Covenant, a New Heart, and a New Spirit from God
- 37: A Last Days Bible Prophecy that’s Coming True Right Now!
- 38: Who Are the Powerful Players in the Gog and Magog War?
- 39: In that Day, God Will Save Israel from Gog’s Invasion
- 40-42: God Reveals His Wonderful, End-Time Temple
- 43: The Glory of God Returns to the Temple Forever!
- Ezekiel Finale: The Dead Sea Lives Again with Holy Water from the Lord
- Jonah
- Isaiah 52-53 (Passover/Easter)
- Jesus Fulfills Prophecies
Jesus’ Olivet Discourse Predicting the Future
- Matthew 24
- Luke 21
- Mark 13
- The convergence of signs of the times – Matthew 16: 1-4
- False Prophets – how do we know who’s right?
- Apostasy – Parable of Wheat and Weeds Matthew 13: 24-29
- Increase of evil – the spirit of the Antichrist
- Wars and rumors of wars
- Increase of plagues and pestilences
- Increase in earthquakes and seismic events
- Persecution – at home and around the world
- The Rise of the Antichrist
- Who is the Antichrist in the Old and New Testaments?
- The Mark of the Beast
- One World Government – the Great Reset
- One World Religion
- One World Economy – “Unicoin”, digital currency
The Rapture
- Left Behind (2000) Movie – Discussion
- What is the Rapture and when will it happen? Soon? How soon?
- 1 and 2 Thessalonians
- 1 Corinthians 15
- What happens if you don’t believe?
The Parables of Jesus- Wheat and Weeds – Matthew 13: 24-30
- Matthew 25:1-13 – the 10 bridesmaids
- Parable of the Fishing Net – Matthew 13:47-52
- The Great Feast – Matthew 22:1-14
- Matthew 7:13-14, 21-23,
- The Theif in the Night
- What happens if you get left behind?
Living in the Last Days
- The Hope of Heaven – this world is not our home!
- 2 Peter
- 2 Timothy 3
- Luke 17 – as in the days of Noah
- Spiritual Warfare – Ephesians
- Book: The Non-Prophet’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare (affiliate link)
- Solid Foundation: Matthew 7:24-29
- The Gospel of John
Additional In-Dept Studies
These will be updates to the ones on this website based on current events.
- The Book of Revelation
- The Book of Daniel
Trusted Bible Prophecy Resources:
- The Book of Daniel: Amir Tsarfati’s book “Discovering Daniel”, Workbook (ChristianBook Distributors Affiliate)
- Revelation: “Revealing Revelation” by Amir Tsarfati, Workbook (ChristianBook Distributors Affiliate)
- Access free e-books and videos through the Library via Hoopla Digital
- Through the Word Free App – Understand the Bible chapter by chapter.
- Pastor Sandy Adams – Audio and video studies chapter by chapter.
- Don Stewart – Educating Our World – Free ebooks and videos.
- Amir Tsarfati, Behold Israel YouTube Channel
- Spoken Gospel — Free Bible videos, book-by-book.
- The Bible Project YouTube Channel – Free Bible videos
- The Prophecy Pros YouTube Channel
- Pastor James Kaddis YouTube Channel
- Pastor Jack Hibbs YouTube Channel
- Seek the Gospel Truth