Walk in the steps of Jesus and study the Good News of Jesus Christ chapter by chapter. The Gospel of John is very different from the other Gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke. The Gospel or John speaks directly to the Seeker, the person who is tired and weary of living in a dark, sinful world and is longing for something better. Is that you? It’s time to seek Jesus!
- Special Intro: 20 Names of Jesus in the First Chapter of the Gospel of John
- John 1: Jesus, the Savior of the World, is the Stairway Between Earth & Heaven
- John 2: Jesus’ First Miracle at a Wedding Turning Water into Wine
- John 3: The First Nic at Night: He Knew he was Missing Something – What was it?
- John 4: Are You Spiritually Malnourished? Time to get let the Spirit Nourish You!
- John 5: It is Jesus that Brings Eternal Life No One or Nothing Else
- John 6: Is Your Soul Hungry for Something? Jesus is the Bread of Life! Hunger No More!
- John 7: Jesus, Messiah Quenches Every Spiritual Thirst – Are You Thirsty?
- John 8: Are You Walking in Darkness? Time to Seek the Light of Jesus!
- John 9: Living in Darkness? Are You Blind to the #Truth? #Jesus can Heal You!
- John 10: Have You Strayed from the Good Shepherd? Listen to Jesus!
- John 11: Rise Up, Sleeper! #Jesus is Calling for You! Can You Hear Him?
- John 12: Put Your Hope and Trust in Jesus with all Your Heart to live Free of Darkness!
- John 13: Salvation is More Powerful than any Cleanser on the Market Today
- John 14: Jesus Promises YOU a Room in God’s Heavenly Home. He will Come Back for YOU One Day
- John 15: Abide, Remain in Jesus, Stay Connected to Him to be Fed His Life-Source
- John 16: In this World You will Have Troubles, But Be Filled with Joy for Jesus Won!
- John 17: Just as Jesus Overcame the World, You, Too, Can be an Overcomer – Just Believe
- John 18: The Final Day: Jesus is Betrayed, Arrested, and Judged: A King not of this World…
- John 19: A Rescue Mission for the World: Jesus, the Son of God Sacrificed His Life for You!
- John 20: He Saw and Believed, Blessed are Those Who Believe in Jesus without Seeing
- John 21: Is there Hope for Peter? Jesus Restores the Betrayer