If you have not invited Jesus Christ into your heart, repented of your sins and surrendered your life to Him, you will be Left Behind when Jesus comes back for His true, born-again Christian believers. We don’t know the day nor the hour when the Rapture will happen. Only God the Father knows. However it will happen at the same instant everywhere around the globe.
You’ll Know it’s the Rapture When…
- Millions of graves will be opened and the corpses and ashes of dead Christians will be transformed into glorious bodies and rise to be with Jesus in heaven.
- Millions, if not billions of people vanish leaving vehicles, planes, trains, ships to crash, and critical stations or machinery unmanned.
- There will be chaos everywhere around the earth.
- A One World Government will be organized in attempts to bring peace and order to the globe.
- The Antichrist will emerge from the revised Roman Empire in Europe. If you know who the Antichrist is, you’ve been left behind.
If you want to know who will get left behind and what life may be like for them, go back through my series of possible, fictional scenarios…
- Progressives
- Catholics
- Coexist Believers
- Orthodox Jews
- Muslims
- Buddhists
- Christians
- U.S. Government
- The Pope and the Vatican
- The New Christians – The Tribulation Force
- The 144,000
- The New World Order and the Mark of the Beast
What if I am Left Behind?
Friend, if you came across this post and you realize that the one thing that all the people who vanished had in common was that they were Christians, you’ve been Left Behind. Consequently, you have a choice to make and you better make it quick: Invite Jesus into your heart and surrender your life to Him.
You will get a Second Chance!
HOWEVER… You will have to survive the 7 years of the Great Tribulation. That includes the 7 seal judgments, the 7 trumpet judgments, and the 7 bowl judgments. This graphic, from Behold Israel, charts out everything that happens….
It’s Going to Get Worse!
- Lawlessness will increase all over.
- There will be in increase of earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, pestilences, famines, plagues and fires. These are the birth pains that Jesus spoke about in Mark 13, Matthew 24, Luke 17 and 21.
- Expect an economic downturn worse than it’s been with the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Persecution of Jews and Christians will increase. Not that we don’t have enough of that already, it’s going to get worse.
- 10 Bible Prophecies Coming True Right Now
The Antichrist will NOT be Revealed Until After the Rapture!
Satan has prepared an Antichrist since Nero in the first century! Every evil person that has been in power throughout history has been Satan’s pick for the Antichrist. But, since the Rapture hasn’t happened yet, the Antichrist has not been revealed.
The 7-Year Great Tribulation
We don’t know how long after the Rapture this will take place, but it is triggered by the 7-year peace treaty initiated by the Antichrist between Israel and its enemies. Moreover, he will cancel the treaty halfway through. Then it really gets bad.
Now is the Time of Salvation!
God gave us Bible Prophecy to warn us of what’s going to happen. What happens when we don’t heed a warning? If a sign says “Bridge Out Ahead” and you keep driving, you’ll end up in the river. God is revealing the Signs of the Times! Open your eyes! Pay attention! Jesus said….
“Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches.”
Revelation 3:22 NLT
That phrase is repeated 14 times in scripture. Kind of gives the idea that Jesus wants us to pay attention.
If you’re not sure if you’re saved or not, if you truly want to be born again and have the assurance of salvation, receive the Holy Spirit, feel His Shalom — a peace that surpasses all understanding, and get a 1-way, non-stop ticket to Heaven after you die, or that you won’t be left behind at the Rapture, which can happen at any moment, this is what you have to do…