The Gospel Truth
Bible Studies, News, & Articles Sharing the Truth, Love, Joy, Peace, & Hope of Jesus Christ in These Challenging Times
Genuine Bible Prophecy Truth as Seen by an Authority in 1920
Recently, a friend and neighbor passed away. Rachael was a solid Christian, yet I was not aware of underlying problems. For instance, never having been in her apartment, I didn’t know she was a level 3…
Psalm 80: Almighty God is The Gardner, Turn Back to Him for Salvation
Psalm 80 is another Messianic Psalm as it foretells the coming of Jesus and His Salvation. The Messiah is the True Grapevine and God is the Gardner. This is also a prayer that we can pray…
Psalm 79: Repent, Ask for Mercy, and Demand Vengeance
Psalm 79 is another imprecatory psalm. An imprecation is a curse that invokes misfortune upon someone. Imprecatory psalms are those in which the author imprecates; that is, he calls down calamity, destruction, and God’s anger and…
World Watch 2024: Will Bible Prophecy be Fulfilled in the New Year?
Here we are celebrating another New Year! Except it wasn’t so nice of a celebration for the folks who live in Israel. The Hamas terrorists decided to send them a barrage of rockets exactly the moment…
Psalm 78: How to Know God Almighty. A Historical Recap from Jacob to David
Last time in Psalm 77, I encouraged you to remember what God Almighty has done in YOUR life. In the next psalm, Asaph, wants the people of Israel to remember what God has done for them….
Psalm 77: When God Seems Far Away, Remember What He’s Done in Your Life
There are times when God deliberately works in ways that don’t make sense to us. Is it to test our faith or to pull us closer to Him? Let’s dig in… Psalm 77 For Jeduthun, the…
Psalm 76: Praise Our Awesome God Who Protects the World!
Our God is an Awesome God! He never changes! He is our creator, protector, provider, and our savior! Do YOU Fear God? Let’s dig in… Psalm 76 For the choir director: A psalm of Asaph. A…
Advent: A Faith in Jesus, the Reason for the Season
World Religions 6: The History of Hinduism — Paganism at its Best!
You’ll have to admit, Hinduism is a colorful, yet very pagan religion. From blue goddesses to pink elephants — there are more gods than people can count. I interviewed a friend of mine who was a…
Psalm 75: Look! God will bring justice against the wicked…
There are 150 Psalms in the Old Testament and we’re halfway through the book with our Sunday Psalms! What’s great about the psalms is they are prayers to God that you can pray back to Him!…
Psalm 74: How Long, O God? An Ancient Prayer for Israel Today
Psalm 74 is a prayer of Asaph from 586 BC when Babylon came and destroyed Solomon’s Temple and Jerusalem. However, like many of the Psalms, they are prayers that Israel can pray now and we can…
Psalm 73: If God is Good, Why Do Evil, Arrogant People Prosper?
At this time of war in Israel, you may wonder why and how the evil leaders of Hamas are sitting pretty in their luxurious abodes in Qatar without a care in the world watching it all…
Psalm 72: David’s Last Prayer for Israel and the Future Messiah
Though Solomon gets the credit, this psalm is actually King David’s last prayer for Israel and a prophecy of the coming Messiah… Psalm 72 A psalm of Solomon. 1 Give your love of justice to the king,…
Psalms 70-71: Emergency Prayer when in Urgent Need of God’s Rescue
Together, Psalms 70 and 71 are the urgent prayers of King David in his final years. Feeling old, tired, and needy, he cries out to God. In fact, Psalm 70 is considered an emergency prayer —…
Psalm 69: From Victim to Vengeance, to Victory. A Prayer of Hope.
After what happened in Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, you may be at a loss for words in how to pray for Israel. God has the answer. Simply, pray the Psalms. God loves it when you…
World Religions 5: The History of Islam — A Religion of Peace?
Currently, there are over 2 billion Muslims worldwide. One can say there isn’t a country in the world that doesn’t have some Muslim population. Moreover, Indonesia is the country with the largest percentage of Muslims at…
World Religions: Revealing The Shocking Roots of Shamanism, Voodoo, & Animism
We’ve all seen it in the movies — Africans, African Americans, and Indigenous Peoples in painted masks and feather headdress, chanting and dancing around a fire to drums. Why do they dance around in a circle?…
World Religions: Chilling, Satanic Practices of Druids, Wicca, & the Occult
Have you ever dabbled in the Occult? Come on, be honest. I am a child of the 60s and 70s America. I also believe that the Catholic Church actually enabled me to easily delve into the…
World Religions: Greco-Roman Gods, Horrific Persecution, and Constantine’s Rescue
Last time, we uncovered the history of paganism as told in the Bible. You can read the Book of Acts to learn what happened after Jesus’ Resurrection and how “The Way” spread throughout the Roman Empire….
World Religions: A Remarkable Look into the Growth of Paganism & Demon Worship
The Dictionary defines Paganism as “a religion other than one of the main world religions, specifically a non-Christian or pre-Christian religion”. Another definition is, “a modern religious movement incorporating beliefs or practices from outside the main world religions, especially nature worship”. Interesting. Isn’t that what’s…
Psalm 68: King Jesus is Our One and Only Hope
No matter what’s going on in the world right now, our one and only HOPE is KING JESUS! That’s what we have to keep in mind every day. Many of the psalms are prophetic. That is,…
Psalm 67: Will the Nations of the World Ever Praise You, O God?
Will the nations of the world ever praise God? The answer is a resounding YES! Furthermore, we are assured of that in the Book of Revelation. Amazingly, this prophetic psalm of praise, written hundreds of years…
Psalm 66: Come and See What Our God has Done!
Our God has done many miraculous things as told in the Bible. From the Creation to the 10 plagues of Egypt to the parting of the Red Sea. However, He was not done and He still…
Psalm 65: Who Does God Raise at the End Times Harvest?
Psalm 65 is a praise psalm on David’s part. However, for us, it’s a prophetic psalm as it talks about the end time harvest. Harvests are mentioned quite a few times in the New Testament. Let’s…
Psalm 64: God Punishes People Who Lie About His Servants
Deception, as well as slander, is everywhere these days — especially online and on social media. Unfortunately, it’s also in the pulpits of many “churches”. Unsurprisingly, we were warned by Jesus, and other New Testament writers…
World Watch 8.26.23: Bible Prophecy News in the Last Days Just Like Jesus Said
Folks, this will be my last weekly World Watch. This past Wednesday I felt physically weary — and it wasn’t because I’ve been fasting and praying. Then, the Holy Spirit showed me that God’s got something…
Psalm 63: Is Your Soul Thirsty? You Need to Earnestly Seek God
Having grown up Catholic, I was never taught to seek God. I was taught rites, rituals, rules and regulations that led me to an empty, nowhere life. Hence, when I turned 18 and went off to…
World Watch 8.19.23: Bible Prophecy News in the Last Days Just Like Jesus Said
At the bottom of this blog, there’s a video titled “Things Are Moving FAST!” from Lamb and Lion Ministries/Christ in Prophecy. The pastor talks about the “birth pains” like that of a woman in labor. My…
Psalm 62: We Need to Be Patient before God — Victory Comes from Him
Back in King David’s day, he had formidable enemies who slandered him and attacked in different ways. Today, our enemy is Satan and he not only slanders us, but raises people up to attack our integrity…
World Watch 8.12.23: Bible Prophecy News in the Last Days Just Like Jesus Said
Two major stories dominated global news this week: the tragic fire in Maui, Hawaii and the continuing military coup in Niger. How are both of these events tied to Bible Prophecy? As you will see, the…