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The Gospel Truth

Bible Studies, News, & Articles Sharing the Truth, Love, Joy, Peace, & Hope of Jesus Christ in These Challenging Times

3.4.17: Mark 16: God Brought the Best Thing Ever from the Worst Thing Ever

Good News! The tomb is empty! Jesus is Risen! He is Alive! Wow! This last chapter of Mark summarizes that first Easter Sunday rather nicely. Letā€™s dig into the Gospel Truthā€¦ Keep reading in my…

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3.4.16: Mark 15:32-47: Jesus Died and the Temple Curtain Was Torn. Why it Happened

Something very significant happened the moment Jesus died. Unfortunately, many people skim over it not realizing how important this epic occurrence was. Today we unveil the tearing of the veil! Letā€™s dig inā€¦ Keep reading…

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3.4.14: Mark 14:12-72: Jesus, the Perfect Lamb of God, Facing the Cross, Suffers Agony

The Rest of Mark chapter 14, really speaks for itself. Itā€™s the Last Supper in the Upper Room. Itā€™s the breaking of the bread and the drinking of the wine. Finally, the agony in the…

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3.4.13: Mark 14:1-11: Are You a Judas? The Fake Disciple with a Depraved Heart

Judas. The name today means ā€œtraitorā€ or ā€œturncoatā€. Itā€™s not a name you want to be called, let alone known as. Today youā€™ll see the difference between a true, loyal follower of Jesus and someone…

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3.4.11: Mark 12: Religious Rulers Challenge Jesus and See Him as a Threat

As I dive deeper into Jesusā€™ last week on earth, I canā€™t help but notice the similarities between the religious leaders back then and who we have now. Todayā€™s ā€œwokeā€ pastors are threatened by the…

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3.4.10: Mark 11: Jesus, Messiah, Savior and King Shows His Authority in Jerusalem

Known as Jesusā€™ ā€œTriumphal Entryā€ or Palm Sunday, Jesus finally arrives in Jerusalem ā€” His time has come. Today, Palm Sunday triggers the start of Holy Week as devout Christians walk where Jesus walked to…

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3.4.9: Mark 10:32-52: Jesus Cares to Know, What Do You Want Him To Do For You?

Twice in this next passage Jesus asks, ā€œWhat do you want me to do for you?ā€ Each situation is different as they come to Him with different attitudes. Given that, hopefully, it will make you…

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3.4.8: Mark 10:17-31: What Must I Do To Inherit Eternal Life? Jesus Answersā€¦

Mark is full of potent passages! In this next one, Jesus answers a rich manā€™s question about how to inherit eternal life. Unfortunately, heā€™s not going to like Jesusā€™ answer. Will you? Letā€™s dig inā€¦…

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3.4.7: Mark 10:1-16: Jesus Talks about two Hot Topics – Divorce and Child Salvation

The Catholic Church does not condone divorce. That became a stumbling block for my parents and a blessing for me (Iā€™ll explain later). Jesus, however, has something very clear to say about marriage and divorce…

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3.4.6: Mark 9:30-50: Triumph with Jesus Means Being the Last, Least, and Lowest

These last passages in the 9th chapter of the Gospel of Mark may seem disjointed, but the really all fit together. Jesus is preparing His disciples for His capture, trial, death and resurrection, but they…

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3.4.5: Mark 9:14-29: Lord, Jesus, Help Me! I Need to Overcome My Unbelief!

Jesus, Peter, James and John, came down from the mountain, and the experience of the Transfiguration, only to find a crowd arguing with the disciples who stayed behind. As always, Jesus, to the rescue ā€”…

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3.4.4: Mark 9:1-13: What Happened When Jesus was Transformed in Wonderful Glory?

Weā€™re past the halfway point in the Gospel of Mark and here is where it really gets interesting. Weā€™re journeying with Jesus to the cross and then the miracle of miracles ā€” the Resurrection. In…

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