The Gospel Truth
Bible Studies, News, & Articles Sharing the Truth, Love, Joy, Peace, & Hope of Jesus Christ in These Challenging Times
Psalm 100: Shout with Joy and Thanksgiving Every Day to the Lord!
Psalm 100 is the last of the “Royal Psalms” — 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, and 99, proclaiming God’s reign over the earth. It calls for everyone, of all ages, to praise the lord and shout…
Psalm 99: Cry to the Lord Every Day for Help!
When we’re in trouble, we are usually so caught up in the problem(s) that we forget to cry to the Lord for help. Psalm 99, another Royal Psalm along with Psalms 93, 95, 96, 97, 98,…
Psalm 98: The Lord Reveals His Victory and Righteousness to the World!
Another Royal Psalm, like 93, 95, 96, 97 – 100, praises Jesus, Our Lord and Savior! It tells us that He reveals His righteousness to every nation. How does He do that? Let’s dig in… Psalm…
Psalm 97: Joy shines on those whose hearts are right with God
As another one of the “Royal Psalms” (93, 95, 96 – 100), its 2 main parts proclaim: God Reigns and God is Righteous. It culminates with “Light shines on the godly, and joy on those whose…
Psalm 96: God will Judge the World with Justice and His Truth
Psalm 96 is another one of the Royal Psalms (Psalms 93, 95-100) that speak of God’s sovereignty over the earth. Looking around the world today, one can easily conclude that it’s all out of control. Therefore,…
Psalm 95: Don’t Harden Your Heart! Listen to the Voice of God!
How do you listen for the Voice of God? Do you have a hardened heart? Do you feel far from the Lord? Praying Psalm 95 will help… Let’s dig in… Psalm 95 1 Come, let us sing…
Psalm 94: Almighty God, Let Your Glorious Justice Shine Over the World!
What do you do when you see people doing evil, injustice, or doing the wrong thing? You remember Psalm 94. It’s an “Imprecatory Psalm” or one where the psalmist “curses” enemies, the wicked, and evil people….
Pentecost Times 2 this Year? Celebrate the Holy Spirit Twice!
Traditional Christian and Catholic liturgical calendars put Pentecost 50 days after Easter. Which, as I wrote in this post, was almost a month away from the Jewish Passover. In 2024, Pentecost Sunday is May 19. The…
Psalm 93: Honor Mighty King Jesus, Still in Control of the World
Psalm 93, like Psalms 95-100, is considered one of the “Royal Psalms,” or “Coronation Psalms.” They honor the coming Jewish Messiah and we know Him as King Jesus! It’s short and sweet and it was a…
Celebrating the Fascinating Mothers in Jesus’ Family Tree
Lineage was important to the Jews of Jesus’ time. Sadly, these Mothers are often overlooked as people skip the boring list of names in the first chapter of Matthew. Therefore, here we’ll celebrate the moms, their…
Why the Jews? Why Such Evil Hatred Towards a Single Group of People?
After the October 7th, 2023, Massacre when Hamas Terrorists infiltrated and brutally murdered over 1,200 mostly innocent civilians in Israel, I was moved to watch several documentaries and historical movies about World War II and the…
Psalm 92: The Godly will Flourish like Palm Trees and Grow Strong
Psalm 92 is a praise song/prayer, written by a godly psalmist. What does being “godly” mean? How do you live a “godly life”? Let’s dig in… Psalm 92 A psalm. A song to be sung on…
World Watch: The Increase of Antisemitism and Hate in the Last Days
Undoubtedly, antisemitism and hatred are on the rise all over the world. So much so, that I can no longer ignore it. Apparently, many people are ignoring it. I pray that as you read this, the…
Reasons Why the Beloved Easter Holiday Got Separated from Passover on the Calendar
The Jewish Spring Festival of Passover was an integral part of Jesus’ last days as a living human on earth. Most Christians and Catholics honor it as part of Holy Week — Holy or Maundy Thursday…
Psalm 91: A Prayer for Today’s World: Don’t Be Afraid, Trust God
On Saturday, April 13, Iran attacked Israel. Many are saying it was a miracle from God that 99% of the missiles were intercepted and only one child was hurt from falling shrapnel. This shows that we…
Psalm 90: The Oldest Psalm is a Beautiful Song Praising God and Life
Psalm 90 is a psalm written by Moses, probably composed toward the end of his life after spending 40 years wandering through the desert. It’s a beautiful song and while it praises God, it also offers…
Psalm 89: Who in All of Heaven Can Compare with the Lord?
God keeps His Promises! In Psalm 89, the psalmist sings of the promise of an enduring successor, an everlasting throne, an eternal kingdom. He praises God because He will send us the Lord of lords and…
After the Resurrection: How to Follow Jesus and Live Like the Disciples
Between Jesus’ Resurrection and Pentecost, there were 40 days of awe, wonder, discovery, and impatience. Put yourself in the sandals of the Disciples. How would you feel? After the Resurrection Jesus, the God of Second Chances…
Hope Lives! Jesus is Alive! The Tomb is Empty! Happy Resurrection Day!
One thing is for sure, without the Resurrection, we have no hope! Yes, Jesus defeated sin when He absorbed our sins on the cross. However, His defeat of DEATH was the world-changing, life-changing, hope-giving miracle that…
Good Friday: It Is Finished! The Torture and Death of Jesus Christ
We call it “Good Friday”, but the story is far from good or nice. The “Good” part is the WHY. Why did an innocent man get a death sentence? Why did Jesus have to suffer torture?…
Holy Thursday – A Passion Walk Through Holy Week with Jesus
We know that circa 33 AD, on the Jewish Feast Day of Passover, Jesus celebrated the Last Supper with his Disciples. Today, we honor that event as Holy Thursday. In studying all four Gospels, we see…
Psalm 88: The Saddest Psalm, a Song of Darkness, Perfect for Holy Week
We’ve all gone through periods of darkness in our lives. Whether it’s a diagnosis we were not expecting, a sudden tragedy, or being the victim of evil, we live in a fallen world and its darkness…
If I were the Devil in 2024 with Free Reign over all the World…
Sixty years ago, in 1964, Paul Harvey, did a skit called, “If I Were the Devil”, listing all the things he would do if he were Satan and had control of the world. If you’re unfamiliar…
Psalm 87: A Praise Song to Bless the Holy City of Jerusalem!
Jerusalem is the center of a holy war. Furthermore, it’s the center of End Times Bible Prophecy. Since we live in the Last Days, let’s sing and pray this Psalm and bless the Holy City. Psalm…
Psalm 86: No Pagan god Can Save Us Like Our Powerful Lord Can
You may try to find salvation through pagan means, but only Our Powerful Lord, Jesus Christ can save us. In this psalm, David cries to God for mercy, happiness, guidance, favor, and purity. You can pray…
Psalm 85: New Beginnings, Gratitude and Grief, Agony and Ecstasy
Written circa 537 BC, Psalm 85 is a song of gratitude to a loving God who brought His people, the Israelites, back to their Promised Land after 70 years of exile in Babylon. Zerubbabel, with the…
Psalm 84: One Day with the Lord is Better than 1000 Elsewhere!
We in America take our churches for granted. In most cities and towns, there is a church within a few miles, if not blocks from where you live. Back in the Old Testament Days, the Hebrew…
The Psalm 83 Mystery: Passionate Prayer or Coming War for the People of Israel?
With the current war in Israel, the discussion of Psalm 83 is a hot topic among Bible Prophecy Teachers. Since this is our next Sunday Psalm, here I’ll decipher the mystery of this controversial psalm and…
Psalm 82: Pray to God for Justice, Rescue of the Poor and Helpless
When will God bring justice to the world? That’s a question we all must be asking ourselves these days. King David’s head songwriter, Asaph, asked the same question around 979 BC, in this short psalm. Psalm…
Psalm 81: What Could Possibly Happen If You Trust God?
Do you find it hard to trust God when you’re going through difficult times? Who doesn’t! Back in the day, Israel would have been so much better off had they trusted and obeyed God. It’s a…