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The Gospel Truth

Bible Studies, News, & Articles Sharing the Truth, Love, Joy, Peace, & Hope of Jesus Christ in These Challenging Times

3.3.10: Daniel 8: Which Powerful Kings are Depicted in a New Vision?

Daniel has another prophetic vision that wears the old guy out. This time it’s different animals representing different prophecies of a not-to-distant future for Israel. For Daniel, they were the future, for us, these already…

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3.3.9: Daniel 7: Who are the Four Beasts in this Epic Vision of a Future Time?

Ever since I began studying Bible Prophecy (or eschatology – the study of the end times), I’m amazed at how preachers and biblical scholars take what’s really plain and simple and twist it into what…

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3.3.8: Daniel 6: In the Lion’s Den. Integrity, Discipline, Loyalty, all before Courage

The last of the historical accounts in the Book of Daniel holds the infamous story of Daniel in the Lion’s Den. What did it take to survive spending a night with hungry lions? Why did…

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3.3.7: Daniel 5: Do You See the Writing on the Wall. Understand it’s From God!

Twenty-three years have passed, Nebuchadnezzar’s long gone and his grandson, Belshazzar is king and has the same problem of pride. However, Belshazzar, conveniently forgets Nebuchadnezzar’s humbling story. He’s partying, and sinning, like there’s no tomorrow….

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3.3.4: Daniel 2: One of the Great Prophecies of the Old Testament Revealed

When we last left Daniel and friends, God had given Daniel the ability to interpret dreams. They stood strong in their faith, so God rewarded them with wisdom and balanced judgment. These gifts from God…

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3.3.2: Ezekiel Finale: The Dead Sea Lives Again with Healing Water from the Lord

What Ezekiel is describing in these last chapters is the Millennial Temple in Jerusalem. According to the Book of Revelation, we, born again believers will reign with King Jesus on earth for 1000 years. The…

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3.2.26: Ezekiel 40-42: God Reveals His Wonderful, End Time Temple

The subject of the final chapters of Ezekiel’s prophecies is the “Kingdom Age” or the “Millennium” — the thousand years when Satan will be bound and we, born-again believers will rule with King Jesus here…

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