Idolatry and Immorality: Jesus Speaks to the Churches – Revelation

I love the Book of Revelation. It’s the last book of the Bible and it’s awesome! I must have done over 20 Bible studies on Revelation. The first time you read through it you may think it’s something between a fantasy, sci-fi thriller and fire-and-brimstone preacher with a little “Ghostbusters” mixed in.

It isn’t easy to understand. However, the BEST Bible Study on Revelation is one I discovered in the app by Pastor Kris Langham of That was also my introduction to the Through The Word app. Pastor Kris explains it so well that it was an epiphany for me.

The Book of Revelation Opens with…

This is a revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants the events that must soon take place. He sent an angel to present this revelation to his servant John, who faithfully reported everything he saw. This is his report of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Revelation 1:1-2

The rest of the story….

Bible scripture included in this podcast:

  • Revelation 1:17-18
  • Revelation 2:12-17
  • Exodus 20:4-6
  • 2 Peter 2:14-19
  • Galatians 5:17-24

Do you belong to Christ Jesus? Or do you just go to church because your parents went to church? Each Sunday, do you participate in rituals or do you truly worship our Savior, Jesus Christ?

It’s time to stop and seriously think about it.

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