Early Christian Church


Reasons Why the Beloved Easter Holiday Got Separated from Passover on the Calendar

The Jewish Spring Festival of Passover was an integral part of Jesus’ last days as a living human on earth. Most Christians and Catholics honor it as part of Holy Week — Holy or Maundy Thursday — the Thursday before Easter. However, this year — 2024, Holy Thursday was March 28, and Passover landed on […]

Reasons Why the Beloved Easter Holiday Got Separated from Passover on the Calendar Read More »

Christian adult baptism

Why is Baptism Important for Being a True Christian? What’s the Truth?

Yesterday we talked about the Holy Spirit, our free gift from God, given to the disciples on Pentecost. Next in the Book of Acts is the birth and quick growth of the church. One thing that stands out is BAPTISM. The New Testament writers clearly explain why new, born again believers need to be baptized.

Why is Baptism Important for Being a True Christian? What’s the Truth? Read More »

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