4.22: What is Righteousness? Are You Living Righteously?

Through the Lenten season, I focused on the Gospels — the Good News — of Jesus Christ following His footsteps through Holy Week, then His ascension. I then followed His disciples as they dealt with His death and what they did After the Resurrection. I now start a series through the Book of Romans. It’s the first of the letters from Paul to the various churches around the Mediterranean in the New Testament right after the Book of Acts. Scholars think that Paul wrote this later in his ministry. I think early church leaders put the Letter to the Romans first after Acts because is so clearly explains what salvation is — the Good News of Jesus Christ….

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If you want the assurance of a 1-way, non-stop ticket to Heaven, this is what you have to do…

Believe. Repent. Be Baptized. Receive the Holy Spirit.

Pray this prayer humbly and wholeheartedly…

“Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner. I believe You died for my sins. Please forgive me. Right now, I turn from my sins and open the door of my heart and life to you. I confess You as my personal Lord and Savior. I will follow you for the rest of my life. Thank You for saving me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Soli Deo Gloria — to God Alone be the Glory!

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