American Christians really don’t know what “intense” Christian persecution is. We have it so easy! Sure, there are some government officials who try to shut churches down. Additionally, there are powerful entities who would love to shut us up. Nevertheless, we keep on keeping on with the missions God placed upon us.
Visit (Voice of the Martyrs – VOM) or (International Christian Concern – ICC) and you’ll be educated on what Christian persecution is like around the world. Watch the video from ICC at the bottom highlighting the top persecutors in the world. You’ll be surprised!
In today’s chapters, Jeremiah is facing opposition from officials in Jerusalem. Though it was God’s inevitable judgment that was coming, Jeremiah, as the messenger, was attacked. Yet, he stands firm with God. As Christians, no matter where we live, we, at some point or another, will be called to stand firm on our faith. Can you do it? Let’s dig in…
If you want to reap all the benefits of salvation including the 1-way, non-stop ticket to Heaven then…
Believe. Repent. Be Baptized. Receive the Holy Spirit.
Pray this prayer humbly and wholeheartedly…
“Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. Please forgive me. Right now, I turn from my sins and open the door of my heart and my life to you. I confess You as my personal Lord and Savior. I surrender my whole life to you and I will follow you for the rest of my life. Thank You, Jesus, for saving me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
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FREE Ebook! The Catholic Mission Field in Our Backyards
How to help open the eyes of your Catholic friends and family to the Truth about the Salvation of Jesus Christ (without starting a battle).A Guide for born-again Christians.
Which is the Best Study Bible to Give a Catholic? (affiliate link)
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Soli Deo Gloria — To God Alone Be the Glory!
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