After my dad had a heart attack at age 64, he retired from his sales job. He picked up a new hobby — betting on horses. Yes, gambling. Why? I guess he wanted to leave a legacy for me, my mom and half-brother. Sure, he won a few times, but never as much as he lost. He threw away money for 5 more years. Also, he smoked (which, to me is another waste of money) since he was 14, till the day he died of a massive heart attack in his sleep, 3 months short of his 70th birthday. He didn’t leave much of a legacy. He spent the majority of his life striving to make more money, which inevitably led to his heart attack, only to throw away a big chunk of it.
In this next chapter, we see that Solomon is still blinded to everything heavenly — everything higher than the sun. His focus was still on earthly things, which never give the satisfaction that our hearts crave. We need to look higher. Let’s dig in….
It’s time to GET RIGHT WITH GOD!
Are you ready to meet God today? You may just meet God today!
If you want to reap all the benefits of salvation including the 1-way, non-stop ticket to Heaven then…
Believe. Repent. Be Baptized. Receive the Holy Spirit.
Pray this prayer humbly and wholeheartedly…
“Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. Please forgive me. Right now, I turn from my sins and open the door of my heart and my life to you. I confess You as my personal Lord and Savior. I surrender my whole life to you and I will follow you for the rest of my life. Thank You, Jesus, for saving me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
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Soli Deo Gloria — To God Alone Be the Glory!
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