September 2021

29.29: Ecclesiastes 10: Wise or Foolish? We Need God to Help Us with Decisions

So far, Solomon looked at life and came to the conclusion that life under the sun — that is, outside of a Heavenly relationship with God — is meaningless. Here we have some more tidbits of wisdom. Every decision we make in life — no matter how minor — requires wisdom. We gain wisdom by

29.29: Ecclesiastes 10: Wise or Foolish? We Need God to Help Us with Decisions Read More »

29.28: Ecclesiastes 9: There is Life After Death. Where will YOU Spend Eternity♾?

Life is short. Nobody is guaranteed tomorrow. Two episodes ago, I told of 2 recent deaths that happened 5 days apart. Both men died of the same thing — their hearts just stopped. Both men had plans for their tomorrows. My cousin, who was 67, had plans to see his 6th grandchild be born. My

29.28: Ecclesiastes 9: There is Life After Death. Where will YOU Spend Eternity♾? Read More »

29.27: Ecclesiastes 8: With all the Injustice in the World, where is God?

hat’s a good question! We look around the world today and all we see is injustice. It makes no difference what political party you favor. Injustice is still injustice. Some people see injustice and speak out on social media. Others take to the streets in protest. A few will rise up and run for government

29.27: Ecclesiastes 8: With all the Injustice in the World, where is God? Read More »

29.26: Ecclesiastes 7: Where Are You Looking for Wisdom? Here is the Right Place…

Enlightenment. We all want it. We all seek it. Getting “in the know”, knowing something before someone else does. Being the person people come to when they want to know something — the wise one. Remember, however, there is a difference between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is

29.26: Ecclesiastes 7: Where Are You Looking for Wisdom? Here is the Right Place… Read More »

29.21: Ecclesiastes 2: Anything Goes, but Nothing Lasts. The Futility of Pleasure

Are You Expecting More Out of Life Than it Can Give? Think about that for a minute. Worldly pleasures — that’s what we all want, right? Eat, drink and be merry! That’s why we casually wish everyone a happy whatever! What is happiness? I heard this quote in the most unlikely place, but it is

29.21: Ecclesiastes 2: Anything Goes, but Nothing Lasts. The Futility of Pleasure Read More »

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