
When You Least Expect It: Like a Thief in the Night

The city of Sardis, which is our next stop in our journey through Revelation, has an interesting history. The video below explains it. However, it reminded me of my first major hurricane experience in Miami — Hurricane Andrew in 1992. I had lived through 3 other minor hurricanes in NY and Puerto Rico, but this

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Remain Faithful and You will get the Crown of Life

Christian Church persecution started right after Pentecost in Jerusalem. The Jewish Pharisees and temple leaders did not like the apostles and new converts preaching what Jesus preached. As the church grew and spread all over the Roman empire, the Romans then persecuted the Christians severely. Smyrna, the Persecuted Church In the 2nd letter from Jesus

Remain Faithful and You will get the Crown of Life Read More »

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