When it comes to Jewish history, it was important that the lineage of the Messiah lead from King David, then further back to Abraham, then even further back to Adam. We get that in the first chapters of Chronicles. Written by Ezra after the exile, it’s a journal of the history of the Jews.
1 Chronicles
- 1-2: The Importance of Lineage From Adam to Jesus Messiah
- 3-4: More Lineage and a Hidden Treasure in a Simple Prayer
- 5-9: King or High Priest? How can Jesus Actually be Both?
- 10: Israel’s First King Saul Lost His Life Because He Sinned
- 11: King David, Empowered, Equipped and Selected to Lead by God
- 12: When it Absolutely Makes Sense to Defect to the Other Side
- 13-15: The Right Motives and Right Methods Matter to Almighty God
- 16: Praise God with Passion and Every Part of Your Being
- 17: God tells David He’s Not the One, but Gives a Powerful Promise
- 18-20: Victorious David Shows that Our Life Battles Belong to the Lord
- 21-22: The Sinful Actions of a Leader Affect the People
- 1 Chronicles Finale: King David Passes On the Building of the Temple of God to Solomon
Listen to these studies…
2 Chronicles
- 2 Chronicles 1-2: The Ways of Wisdom or Wealth? Which Would you Pick?
- 3-5: King Solomon’s New, Epic Temple Is All About God’s Glory
- 6-7: God Actually Keeps His Promises: Unconditional and Conditional
- 8-9: Solomon Made His First Mistake and Gave Satan a Foothold
- 10-12: What Happened When the People Lost Sight of God?
- 13-16: Seek God with all Your Heart, & Easily Find Him!
- 17-20: Reading the Word of God Changes Your Heart and Life
- 21-23: The Value of Being Rooted in an Authentic Relationship with God
- 24-28: Are You Doing What is Right Under the Eyes of God?
- 29-32: Time to Purge Your Life of Everything Sinful & Hated by God
- 33-36: Do What is Right. What JESUS Says to Do