The birth pains that Jesus predicted in His Olivet Discourse are coming stronger, and more frequent. Consequently, each week as I collect news items that stand out to me, I find there are a lot more. Thus, the blog and podcast are getting longer and longer. Yet, I am moved by the Holy Spirit to report all these. Rest assured, this is not meant to scare you, but to warn you and help you find confident hope in Jesus Christ alone. Let’s dig in…
By the way, you can find Jesus’ predictions of the last days in the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13.
Wars and Threats of Wars
Ukraine / Russia War
Ukraine is hitting back
- New report claims Putin could be preparing ‘mass suicidal attacks’ on Ukrainians — not suicide unmanned drones, but Kamikazes like the Japanese in WWII.
- Ukrainians attacked a Russian Rosneft oil refinery on the Russian Black Sea coast in Tuaps, Krasnodar Region.
- Chaos erupted in Russia overnight on Feb. 28, as a swarm of drones from multiple regions struck Moscow causing an explosion at an oil depot.
Russia to UN: Ukraine Conflict Is A “War With The West For Survival”
“As for our country, we see all of this as a war with the West for survival, for the future of our country, for our children, for our identity. Ukraine is nothing but a bargaining chip in this plot.”
Vasily Nebenzya, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN
Russia, Iran, Turkey, Syria – Ezekiel 38
- Iran seeks to receive S-400 missile systems from Russia
- Iran can make fissile material for a bomb ‘in about 12 days
- The Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Mikhail Bogdanov said in an interview with the Russian news agency TASS that Russia, Iran, Syria, and Turkey are exploring the possibility of a joint meeting of their foreign ministers.
- US hits Russia with 200% aluminum tariff
- The Biden administration also announced $2.7 billion in new duties on other industrial goods as the war in Ukraine passes the one-year mark. “These actions are carefully calibrated to put economic pressure on Russia while minimizing costs to U.S. consumers,” U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai said.
- A senior Iranian said, “Very soon will come the day that Israel will use the airspace of Baku, Azerbaijan to attack Iran. If Azerbaijan allows hostile actions to be carried out against us from its territory, we will also attack the territory of that country.”
- Note: For months now, Iran has been threatening Azerbaijan that it will be attacked if Israel uses their airspace to attack Iran, it seems that as time progresses and the date of the “attack” approaches, Iran raises the tone of the threats as well as conducting very large exercises. Amir Tsarfati

America vs China
‘We Have Been Blind’: Rep. Gallagher Warns of Chinese Police Outposts in US
Members of the House Select Committee on China are pledging to redouble their efforts to counter Beijing’s ongoing threats to its targets on U.S. soil.

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A video of the armed Ukrainians in the Russian villages. This is to say: “We Ukrainians have invaded Russia”. The Kremlin described it as a terror attack. What will Putin do?

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7 NLT
All Eyes on Israel in the Last Days
Find God’s promises to Israel in Genesis 12, 2 Samuel 7, Ezekiel 35-36, 37, 38 and 39.
- IDF arrested suspected terrorists behind deadly Jericho attack as the victim was buried – The attack, which happened on Feb. 27, shut down the city of Jericho. The victim was an Israeli-American visiting Israel for a wedding.
- Feb. 26: Two young Israeli brothers were shot to death by a Palestinian terrorist in the West Bank.
- Jordan: Israel and Palestinians affirm need for ‘de-escalation’
Israel and the Palestinian Authority affirmed the need to “commit to de-escalation on the ground” at a meeting in Aqaba, Jordan on Sunday, according to Jordan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates. They also agreed to work toward a “just and lasting peace.” - Hungary to move embassy to Jerusalem, Budapest says no decision yet.
- Biden Poking God In The Eye – US Enables UN Vote Against Israeli Settlements
- Hezbollah-backed terrorists form ‘dozens of cells’ on the Syrian border
Hezbollah has established dozens of terrorist cells in southern Syria, just over the Israeli border, composed of local recruits, a Galilee-based defense research group says. - Israel’s UN ambassador: “The New York Times libelous narratives are actively encouraging hatred of my country“
- Hamas says the death penalty for terrorists will ‘open the gates of hell’ against Israel
- Prime minister Netanyahu’s wife Sarah was locked up in a hair saloon in central Tel Aviv for hours due to hundreds of progressive liberal anarchists that surrounded the place. It took dozens of police officers and border patrol soldiers to peacefully rescue her.
- All of this is because the left in Israel refuses to accept the election results and the new legislation will no longer keep in power only liberal judges.
- Note by Amir Tsarfati: Seeing the anarchism and brainwashed minions of the progressive liberal left, more than ever I am convinced that only The Tribulation will bring Israel to salvation! Mentally and spiritually, Tel Aviv is ready for the antichrist!
Iran has now acknowledged that it has enriched uranium to 84%. That is just a day or two away from weapons grade. I believe this is the trigger for Israeli military strikes on Iranian nuclear facilities. It was not a coincidence that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a security conference in Israel on Tuesday that the longer Israel waited to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities, the harder such strikes would become.
Israel’s window to strike Iran Narrows as Putin enters the equation: Iran seeks S400 air defenses from Russia which would make an attack harder.
Amir Tsarfati

8 If I announce that some wicked people are sure to die and you fail to tell them to change their ways, then they will die in their sins, and I will hold you responsible for their deaths. 9 But if you warn them to repent and they don’t repent, they will die in their sins, but you will have saved yourself.
Ezekiel 33:8-9 NLT
Earthquakes and “Seismic” Weather Events
- Death toll climbs to at least 5 dead from first severe weather outbreak of meteorological spring in Dallas, TX, U.S.
- Residents in parts of Southern California who have not seen snow in decades woke up to an extraordinary weather event.
- Global Warming Gets Snowed Under — Ski Season Extended To Memorial Day
- Floods submerge towns and villages in Malaysia, forcing mass evacuations
Strong Earthquakes This Week Around the World
Economic Woes, Famines, Pestilence, and Plagues
- Report: Animals in Ohio parks dying ‘at alarming rates’ after train wreck
- Food shortages are coming to Europe, and it can all be traced back to the U.S. destruction of the Nordstream Pipeline
- CDC warns 20,000 people may have been exposed to measles at Asbury University revival.
- Over 800 Retail Stores Set to Collapse Due to Inflation, Interest Rates, Crime
- China reports two human cases of bird flu hundreds of miles apart — amid fears of a zoonotic outbreak.
- 2.8 Million Fowl (Mostly Chickens & Turkeys) Have Died In The First Month Of America’s Raging New Bird Flu Pandemic
- North Korea’s Kim orders ‘fundamental transformation’ of agriculture amid reports of food shortages
- Panic in Lebanon: the local Lira is in free fall against the dollar, almost 90,000 Liras to one dollar. Less than two weeks ago it stood at 80,000 Liras to the dollar.
- Disasters just keep coming! The latest is a report of hydrofluoric acid spilling into a creek in DeSoto County in Mississippi.
- Global Famine Scenario: Hungary Stops All Grain Exports Effective Immediately

by Jeff Kinley
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As in the Days of Noah and Lot
Jesus said that the world, in the last days would be as it was in the days of Noah and Lot” (Luke 17). In case you forgot, this is how the world was just before the flood and Lot lived in The First Sin City.
Increased Evil , Satanic Lawlessness, Terrorism, Apostasy, False Teachings, and Deception in the Last Days
- Only 4 Percent of Americans Hold a Biblical Worldview Post-Pandemic: It ‘Altered’ Beliefs
- Kenyan Supreme Court blindsides pro-family country with ruling allowing LGBT organizations
- Nairobi, Kenya: Police Rescue 40 Christian Children in Kidnapping Scam
- Canada’s Department of Justice recently promoted its Medical Assistance in Dying program on its Twitter account, calling the program a “regime” that wishes to support “autonomy and freedom of choice.”
- A Canadian Pastor was shoved out the door and knocked on his back after protesting the library’s drag queen event for children, Gets charged with “Hate Crime”.
- Isle of Man: A Drag queen forces a child to leave class for denying 73 genders, while the school teaches **** sex to 11-year-olds.
- An 11-year-old read aloud from a ‘pornographic’ book he checked out from the library at a school board meeting.
- A 31-year-old woman that was impregnated by a 13-year-old boy will not face any additional jail time!
- A self-described “Dirtbag Christian” defends her polyamorous lifestyle as being compatible with her faith.
- Arizona school board member says the district should reject hiring teachers with Christian values because it’s “Not Safe“
- Spain: Expert sounds the alarm on a new law allowing minors to change their gender without parental consent.
- The percentage of adults in the U.S. who identify as LGBTQ has increased slightly year over year, to 7.2%.
- A Man is in custody after an explosive device was discovered by TSA in his bag being loaded onto a flight from PA to Florida.
- Satanic Video Game Allows Players to “Activate Blood Alters” and ‘Sacrifice Friends to Demons’
- Hackers Claim They Breached T-Mobile More Than 100 Times in 2022
- When Low-Tech Hacks Cause High-Impact Breaches – Web hosting giant GoDaddy disclosed that a multi-year breach allowed intruders to steal company source code, siphon customer and employee login credentials, and foist malware on customer websites. (If you host on GoDaddy, you’d better get your website checked!)
Jesus Said…
“But cowards, unbelievers, the corrupt, murderers, the immoral, those who practice witchcraft, idol worshipers, and all liars—their fate is in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
Revelation 21:8

by Eric Metaxas
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by Mark Hitchcock & Jeff Kinley
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New World Order, Great Reset, Big Brother, Global Insanity, & Government Overreach in the Last Days
In Revelation 13, John tells us of the coming One World Government
- World Health Organization (WHO) pushes for global vaccine passports
- US Treasury Introduces Central Banking Digital Currancy (CBDC) Working Group, Discusses Potential Routes For Digital Dollar
- CDC Admits it has Taken DNA from COVID-19 Tests – Nasal swab tests have been sent to labs for genomic sequencing.
Pope Francis Calls on Humanity to Unite Around One World Religion
Pope Francis has once again called for all of humanity to unite around a one-world religion.
Both in his ecumenical “pilgrimage of peace” and in his message for the International Day of Human Fraternity, the pope recently called for religions to “increasingly intertwine” in the “service of brotherhood.”
LifeSite News reports that over the past few days, Francis has once more renewed his oft-spoken calls for increased inter-religious dialogue and activity, reawakening concerns that leading prelates have made in the wake of such statements over the years.
The first came during his recorded February 4 video message for the third International Day of Human Fraternity, which is born out of his 2019 Abu Dhabi document on human fraternity – a document which stated that a “pluralism and diversity” of religions is “willed by God.”
His statement mentioned God but did not mention Christ or Catholicism. Instead, Francis spoke in a much more abstract manner, describing the purpose of religion as “reminding us that man’s destiny goes beyond earthly goods and lies in a universal horizon.”
Francis is a member of the Society of Jesus, also called the Jesuits, and is also the first Jesuit pope in history. Jesuits have for decades been steeped in revolutionary Marxist teaching, and a focus on social justice and liberation theology here on earth, rather than winning souls for Christ or preparing people for life in the hereafter.

by Jeff Kinley
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the Beast
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Paul warned us…
Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons.
1 Timothy 4:1 NLT
Increased Christian Persecution
Open Doors 2023 World Watch List on Christian Persecution
Ethiopia #39
People who convert to Christianity from Muslim backgrounds, particularly in the east and southeast of the country, risk harsh mistreatment from their communities. Women face the threat of rape, forced marriage, or (if married) divorce and separation from their children. In some areas, Islamic extremist mobs have attacked churches, taking advantage of a general rise in political violence. Christian converts can be threatened with death and are often forced to flee their homes.
There is also persecution for Christians who move from a traditional Ethiopian Orthodox Church background to a Protestant, evangelical, or non-traditional denomination. It is thought that all major churches in Ethiopia have experienced government interference in appointing their leaders.
Ruth* grew up in a Christian family – but part of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, so when she decided to become an evangelical Christian, she was rejected by her family. Before this, she hadn’t properly understood the gospel. A friend’s mother shared it with her – “I was told clearly ‘Lord Jesus saves, salvation is through Christ’. When she told me there is no way to be saved other than Him, I decided to follow Him.”
Learning that God doesn’t require endless rituals or fasting to be in a relationship with Him made the decision easy. However, at that young age, she couldn’t foresee the fallout her decision would have. For two years, Ruth secretly worshipped with a small local church. Then her family discovered a Bible in her room. Very quickly the dreams she had of receiving an education and a promising future vanished.
“The area I come from is dominated by traditional religion, so it’s very difficult to live there as an evangelical Christian,” says Ruth. “Family and community life is dictated by traditions and rituals. It is a very small city, so almost everyone knows each other. If you are an evangelical Christian, they will know. They refuse to talk to you or even have any kind of relationship. Right now, my family doesn’t talk to me at all. Isolation is painful. It’s hard to understand how my family, who used to love me, could suddenly hate me.”
But Ruth’s faith remains strong: “May God be praised, even if life is hard now, even if I am not living the life I thought I would and continued my schooling like my peers, I am still here saying tomorrow will be better.”
- Mozambique: In the Lion’s Den
- Asia Pacific: More Christians Sent to Prison
- America: Christian teacher in California loses job after refusing to deceive parents on kids’ ‘gender transitions’
- Ukraine: Church Leaders Targeted by Russian Forces: Church leaders in Ukraine are being singled out for persecution by Russian forces in occupied areas.
- Evangelical pastors have been arrested, interrogated, tortured and even expelled from their towns by the Russian military and their supporters.
- Occupying forces have confiscated church buildings and Christians have received harsh treatment at Russian military checkpoints. They are suspicious that evangelical pastors are agents of the West. VOM
- Pray that where opposition to the work of Jesus increases, the Holy Spirit would increase too, enabling believers to endure and overcome. Frontiers UK
- Acts 12: Pete’s Miraculous Escape from Prison

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More on Christian Persecution
*Name changed for security reasons
Good News! The Gospel Around the World!
Jesus said regarding the last days, “For the Good News must first be preached to all nations (peoples).” (Mark 13:10)
Yes, there is bad news all over the world. Nevertheless, there is also great news — signs of hope — that Christians are doing what Jesus told us to do in the Great Commission and before He left us.
Check these out and pray for them…
- Franklin Graham is set to preach Jesus in communist Vietnam backed by 300 Churches.
- ‘Jesus Revolution’ performs miracles at the box office, receives rave reviews from audience
- Qatar: “We already see the move of the Holy Spirit in the Arabian Peninsula. God is visiting people in their dreams. God is doing miracles. God is doing healings among the people.” Praise God for the miracles happening in Qatar. They keep this Christian community thriving, even while the country tries to stifle their convictions.
- China: An AsiaLink partner in China had a great opportunity to share the gospel with a taxi driver and his wife. Praise God they both have come to the Lord and have received some discipleship material. Please pray for a strong walk with the Lord, a hunger for His Word and a desire to share their faith with family and friends.
- Tunisia: Though 99% of Tunisians are Sunni Muslims, a small but thriving Christian community exists within the country. After the “Arab Spring” uprising in 2011, which originated in Tunisia, the government became the first in North Africa to enact religious freedom reforms.
This means many new churches have sprung up in the country, and front-line workers report other hopeful changes as well: “By God’s grace, Bibles are becoming much more available within the country,” a front-line worker shared.
Pray that Tunisian Christians and churches will continue to have freedom to operate and that the hearts of many Tunisians will turn to the gospel.
Pray also for Christians from nearby countries who have fled to Tunisia, seeking safety and stability. VOM

*Name changed for security reasons
Help Spread the Good News of Jesus Christ all over the World!
The Signs of the Last Days are Obvious!
Jesus said regarding the Last Days…
“But all this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come.”
Matthew 24:8 NLT
Dig Deeper into Last Days Prophecies…
- More Bible Prophecy News
- Bible Prophecy Links
- What is the Rapture?
- Listen to the Watchmen on the Wall
- The Wonderful Promises in the Book of Revelation
Jesus is coming soon whether you’re ready or not!
Why not begin a relationship with Him?

Isn’t it about time you let Him in?